主题:New Advance of Nanomedicine
主讲:Professor Wei Chiming
Professor Wei Chiming简介:
Chiming Wei, MD, PhD, FACC, FAHA
Dr. Wei obtained his M.D. degree from Beijing Medical University in Beijing, China, and his Ph.D. degree in biophysics and artificial heart from Mie University School of Medicine in Mie, Japan. All of his residency training in Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery was obtained at Mie University School of Medicine. After Dr. Wei completed his post-doctoral training and fellowship in Cardiovascular Diseases and Cardiovascular Surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, he joined the faculty of the Mayo Clinic and holding appointment at the Mayo Medical School. Dr. Wei received molecular biological training in Harvard University and become an Assistant Professor in Mayo Medical School and Associate Consultant in Mayo Clinic and Foundation.
Dr. Wei came to Johns Hopkins University from the University of Maryland School of Medicine where his appointment was Associate Professor in the Department of Surgery. Dr. Wei received the U.S. patent on the discovery of Vasonatrin Peptide which has potent natriuretic and vasodilating effects.
Dr. Wei has served as President of Asian-Pacific Cardiothoracic-Renal Association; Editor-In-Chief, American Journal of Nanomedicine; and Editor-In-Chief, Journal of Cardiothoracic-Renal Research. Dr. Wei is the principal investigator on several grants, and he has numerous publications to his credit in peer-reviewed journals and books.
Dr. Wei’s research interests are DNA damage-repair in mitochondria and nuclei; protein-protein interaction; intracellular transport; nanomedicine; apoptosis; aging; ischemia-reperfusion injury; heart failure; heart-lung and kidney transplantation.